PTI prides itself on having a technically proficient staff that is continuously learning new technologies and staying up-to-date on certifications.
As a result, we are able to offer a variety of technical resources listed below including an array of books that have been authored by PTI's technical experts.
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Webinar Recordings
SQL Server 2012 Firestarter Webinar Series
Quick Reference Guides
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005: Integration Services
SQL Server 2005 includes a new enterprise data integration platform. This platform, with
exceptional ETL and integration capabilities, enables organizations to more easily manage data from a wide array of traditional
and non-traditional data sources. With SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), organizations gain a competitive edge through a
holistic view of their business.
Audience: Microsoft SQL Server DBAs, Developers, System Integrators, IT Managers
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005: Reporting Services
SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services extends the Microsoft Business Intelligence (BI) platform
to reach the information worker who needs access to business data. Reporting Services, an integrated component of SQL Server
2005, is a server-based enterprise reporting environment, managed via web services.
Audience: Microsoft SQL Server DBAs, Developers, System Integrators, IT Managers
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005: Analysis Services
With major enhancements in enterprise capabilities including scalability, manageability,
and productivity, Analysis Services is the cornerstone of your Business Intelligence (BI) infrastructure and with the deep
integration with SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services and with Microsoft Office, Analysis Services 2005 extends business intelligence
to every level of your business.
Audience: Microsoft SQL Server DBAs, Developers, System Integrators, IT Managers
- vi Editor
The vi editor is a screen based editor used by many UNIX users. This editor is obscure at first when
learning, but very powerful and effective and preferred by many database and system administrators.
Audience: Unix/Linux System Administrators, Oracle DBAs, Server-side Developers
- Unix and Linux OS
Unix and Linux operating systems are powerful and scalable. This reference provides coverage of the basic
commands across major Unix and Linux implementations, including Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, and basic Unix.
Audience: Unix/Linux System Administrators, Oracle DBAs, Server-side Developers, Unix/Linux end users
- Oracle SQL
Structured Query Language (SQL) is the standard language used to communicate with relational databases.
Implementations such as Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, DB2, and MySQL conform to the SQL standard designated
by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
Audience: Oracle DBAs, Oracle Developers, Oracle Data Analysts
- Oracle PL/SQL
Oracle PL/SQL is the procedural programming language that comes standard with and is built into the Oracle
database. This powerful language is used for data processing and for customizations of forms, reports, and
other applications integrated with the Oracle database.
Audience: Oracle DBAs, Oracle Developers
- Oracle RMAN
Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) is Oracle's preferred method by which we are able to take backups and
restore and recover our database. This list gives an overview of the commands and their uses in RMAN.
Audience: Oracle DBAs
- Microsoft SQL Server
Structured Query Language (SQL) is the standard language used to communicate with relational databases.
Implementations such as Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, DB2, and MySQL conform to the SQL standard designated
by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). SQL Server's version of SQL is called Transact SQL, or T-SQL.
Audience: Microsoft SQL Server DBAs, Developers, System Integrators
- Oracle and SQL Server: BFF?
Subtitle: Exchanging data between Oracle and SQL Server
Author: Hope Foley
Publication: Orasearch
Date: October, 2007
- Database Technology
Subtitle: How databases can anchor any successful IT project
Author: Arie Jones
Publication: Smart Business Magazine
Date: January 2007
- Remote Database Administration
Subtitle: Choosing the best provider for your environment
Author: Angie Gleim
Publication: Smart Business Magazine
Date: December 2006
- Training Tips
Subtitle: Internalizing training for cost effectiveness
Author: Chris Ruel
Publication: Smart Business Magazine
Date: November 2006
- Grid Computing
Subtitle: How to share data processing among servers, workstations, and storage
Author: Paul Singleton
Publication: Smart Business Magazine
Date: October 2006
- Systems Integration
Subtitle: Keeping great new ideas from becoming outright failures
Author: Michael Wessler
Publication: Smart Business Magazine
Date: September 2006
- Enterprise Security
Subtitle: The price of protection vs. the price of none
Author: Ron Plew
Publication: Smart Business Magazine
Date: August 2006
- Securing Returns on IT Investments
Subtitle: Measuring success in technology
Author: Ryan Stephens
Publication: Smart Business Magazine
Date: July 2006
- Data Storage Management
Subtitle: Information must be accessible and secure at the same time
Author: Dan Wilson
Publication: Smart Business Magazine
Date: June 2006
- Data Migration
Subtitle: How to avoid losing key business information
Author: Candi Randolph
Publication: Smart Business Magazine
Date: May 2006
- Executive Dashboards
Subtitle: Instant computer-screen information for your business
Author: Robert Garrett
Publication: Smart Business Magazine
Date: April 2006
- Managing Identities
Subtitle: Providing fast, secure system access for those who need it
Author: Chris Zeis
Publication: Smart Business Magazine
Date: March 2006
- Protecting Your Data
Subtitle: Considerations for creating and implementing a data backup and protection strategy
Author: Ryan Stephens
Publication: Smart Business Magazine
Date: February 2006
Book List
- High Availability
High Availability: Successful Implementation for the Data-Driven Enterprise
In today's data-driven world, it is essential to understand High Availability concepts, practices, and
the impact of HA on your business. With many HA technologies to choose from, striking a balance between benefit and cost is essential to ensuring
practicality in an HA investment. Rather than investing time and money in an effort to squeeze as much availability out of a poorly implemented
system, companies should wisely invest resources in preplanning an HA solution that suits their business requirements. |
- SQL Titles
SQL Functions Programmer's Reference
This book is for the developer who needs to retrieve data from a relational database or integrate
applications with relational database implementations. The book presents standard SQL functions and covers built-in and user-defined
SQL functions. Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, DB2, MySQL, and PostGreSQL implementations are discussed. |
Teach Yourself SQL in 24 Hours (editions 1-3)
This book teaches techniques for designing, building, and querying databases efficiently. Each lesson uses a
simple approach and builds on the previous to teach the essentials of ANSI SQL. Coverage applies to all major database implementations. |
Teach Yourself SQL in 21 Days (editions 2-4)
This book teaches skills needed to begin programming with SQL. Learn the fundamentals of SQL programming,
the new and advanced features, and how to use the latest tools. The book provides industry-leading implementation advice.
Online Edition |
- Database Titles
Database Design
This book teaches how to analyze and understand business needs, daily processes, and data requirements. These
skills are all necessary to build a well-performing database. Emphasis is placed on logical design to produce the highest-quality database. |
Teach Yourself Beginning Databases in 24 Hours
Learn the basic fundamentals of databases, relational databases, and object-oriented databases. This book introduces many
beginning database concepts including tables, columns, indexes, data, and queries. Coverage also includes database design, database life cycle, SQL,
and database administration. |
- Oracle Titles
Oracle Application Server 10g
This book is a focused guide that explains how to deploy J2EE applications on Oracle Application Server 10g.
Coverage includes Oracle's J2EE container, OC4J, and various Oracle 10g Application Server features. |
Oracle 11g for Dummies
This nuts-and-bolts guide walks you through the mysteries of Oracle and database administration. You'll learn how
to understand Oracle database architecture, set up and manage an Oracle database, and keep it running in tiptop form. |
Oracle Development Unleashed
This book covers database and application development in the Oracle environment. It includes techniques for designing
applications using SQL, PL/SQL, and other Oracle tools and applications. Oracle SQL and PL/SQL are covered in detail. |
Oracle 8 Server Unleashed
This book covers all aspects of the Oracle 8 database, from design and development to database administration. |
Oracle Unleashed 2nd Edition
This book discusses Oracle and its features, applications, and administration. Topics include SQL, PL/SQL, database
administration, backup and recovery, performance tuning, security implementation, and user management. |
Oracle DBA on UNIX and Linux
This book explains effective manage of Oracle databases on UNIX and Linux platforms. The core responsibilities of the Oracle DBA are covered in detail. |
Media - PTI's YouTube Channel
Meet Your IT Team - January 5th, 2011
ESGR Award Ceremony - September 18th, 2009
Tech Talk Newsletter
- Quarter 4 (Web Version)
- Features: Visual Studio 2012, Upcoming Group Meetings, PTI In The Community, Training Classes