SeaPort™ Enhanced (SeaPort™-e) IDIQ Contract
Contract Number: N00178-06-D-4840
Contract Ordering Period: 1 June 2006 through 4 April 2016 (includes award term options)
Task Order Type: Performance Based Task Orders utilizing Cost Based and Firm-Fixed-Price formats
Perpetual Technologies Inc. (PTI) is pleased to offer world class professional technical, programmatic, and IT
engineering support services at a reduced cost for all NAVSEA Program Executive Offices, Directorates, Warfare Centers and Field Activities.
PTI's exceptional team of skilled professionals is available to assist the Navy's critical service business sector with planning, design and
execution of a superior solution tailored to your unique agency needs.
In addition to immeasurable process savings, PTI offers SeaPort™ Guaranteed Savings through pre-determined target reductions based upon the
procurement of substantially identical requirements on an ongoing basis (over a year); volume discounts, and capped pass through costs. According to
NAVSEA estimates, the basic savings realized through use of the Seaport-e acquisition Contract are 7-10%. After incorporation of any applicable target
reductions, estimated savings may be as much as 25-30%. (Ref: SeaPort™ website,, H-11 Guaranteed Savings Clause.)
Authorized Users Include:
- Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)
- Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)
- Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR)
- Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP)
- Military Sealift Command
- Strategic Systems Program (SSP)
- Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC)
- Office of Naval Research
- Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
- US Marine Corps
Quality Assurance Approach:
Perpetual Technologies, Inc. (PTI) will gather requirements and develop a project strategy and schedule of project milestones. Project roles
are clearly defined, including who will be responsible for each functional area such as business decisions, scheduling, tracking project issues
and risks, application architecture, development, quality assurance, and ongoing support of each function. Requirement dependencies are determined,
testing and support strategies are developed, use cases are created, and functional specifications are written.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) specific to the project is defined where multi-threaded areas of the application are compartmentalized
into discreet deliverable packages. The Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is originated and use cases, functional requirements, and technical
specifications are created as needed. The test plan and test scripts are developed and reviewed for usability.
Quality assurance plans are reviewed to verify that business requirements have been fully met. Team walkthroughs are conducted. Defects are
triaged and fixed accordingly. Tests plans created are performed as needed and regression tests are executed on each build of defect fixes.
Load and performance testing is completed and statistics are compiled if specified by the client.
Final Project Acceptance
The client evaluates the deliverable against their acceptance criteria. Project results are documented including deferred defects,
test results, and retrospective meeting notes.